About us


In Saint Lucia, Rugby was first organized in 1974 by a group of expatriates including Millar Young and John Lucas who formed the Saint Lucia Rugby Club. After ten years, the Club lay dormant. In 1993, another group of expatriates, Kelly Glass (New Zealand), Kirk Hubson-Garcier, Derek Webb, Roger Butcher (Now the Union President) from Trinidad and Tobago rekindled revived the sport on the island.
SLRFU, then known as Saint Lucia Rugby Football Association was formally registered with the Ministry of Youth, Community Development, Social Affairs and Sports in 1995 and became member.
SLRFU became a member of the West Indies Rugby Union (WIRU,) then known as the Caribbean Rugby Football Union (CRFU) in 1996 and joined the International Rugby Board, now known as World
Rugby, in 1996. Under new governance from 2016 -2022. New Executives appointed in 2020-2024 with election being
aligned to the Olympic cycle of four years
 In 2016 the Saint Lucia Rugby Football Union (SLRFU) developed a 4-year strategic development plan the main aim of which was to field a team in the 2020 Olympics. Unfortunately, Team Saint Lucia failed
to qualify for the Olympic repocharge as they were knock-out of the Olympic Qualifier in July 2019 in the
Cayman Islands.

 The SLRFU managed to achieve other milestones:

The Constitution of the SLRFU was revamped and a workable document was produced focusing on gender equality and functional reforms (player welfare and pathways) The national male and female teams have returned to international competition. World Rugby level 2 coaches are being certified and appointments were made to the national teams – (national male, national female teams, Under 19’s Academy) Senior national female rugby 10s/12’s team has been formed and participated in international competition. Presently have women’s 15’s preparing to challenge regional competitions in 2024/25 The game of rugby has been introduced into 30 schools to date reaching 700-1500 students over a one- year period within the limitations of Covid with the focus to have a school league in 2023-2024 in non- contact and contact as the pathway into clubs and national programs. SLRFU has also selected candidates to form the national U19 and U16 teams. Males and Females as the pathway to the Senior programs. (presently have players on the senior men’s and female squad. The SLRFU has introduced a player insurance plan covering player locally and internationally. The SLRFU introduced a bursary to school children of parents who play rugby.

There have been formation of new teams and decentralizing the sport on the island through the grassroots programs.
Rebirth- hosting the annual Caribcation Carnival 7’s in collaboration with the Saint Lucia Tourism fostering promotion of Sports Tourism. November 10 th ,2022 the union were nominated and accepted as full members of World Rugby from being Associated members of Rugby Americas North.

Financial Stability
The SLRFU is realized that the rugby family is growing and as such is cognisant of the fact that to run such an organization will require fairly significant sums of money. In this vain the SLRFU would propose
to have signature tournament each year: Carnival Rugby 7s Where we had teams from Trinidad, Martinique, Barbados, St Vincent, USA and the
UK participating. The tournament would be geared to raise funds to augment the monies require for the Union operations. In addition, the tournaments would bring high level rugby to Saint Lucia and will enable
greater local participation and awareness. The SLRFU has also been engaging in discussions with cooperate Saint Lucia and indeed the international business community to partner in creating the Rugby Sports Tourism. Be part of this growing organization by donation or becoming a sponsor to one of our programs from youth to seniors. By contacting the union at stluciarugby@gmail.com for more information. Or follow the link….. for sponsorship packages.

To deliver life-long, inclusive rugby experiences that cultivate participation and inspire excellence from community to club to country. In creating platforms for patriotism and promoting community values.

 To promote, foster and govern rugby in Saint Lucia for the benefit of all.
 “Attitude determines Altitude”
Creating the Rugby's values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and
Sportsmanship are what makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment
and culture they create in a safe space.

Integrity is central to the fabric of the game and is generated through honesty and fair
Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the game. Rugby generates
excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global rugby family.
Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to life-long friendships, camaraderie,
teamwork and loyalty which transcends cultural, geographic, political and religious
Discipline is an integral part of the game both on and off the field and is reflected
through adherence to the laws, the
regulations and rugby’s core values.
Respect for team-mates, opponents, match officials and those involved in the game is

That all Saint Lucian no matter age, size or gender local or internationally can choose rugby to try,
play and represent in the sport of rugby.

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